
Oil Trading and Services

Oil Trading and Services segment began in the 1950s, mainly includes the import, export and re-export of crude oil and refined oil products. We have an experienced trading team, and have established deep cooperative relations with world’s major national oil companies and international oil companies.

Business Company

  • Sinochem Oil Co., Ltd.
    Address:9th Floor, Central Tower, Chemsunny World Trade Center, 28 Fuxingmen Street, Beijing 100031, China
    Tel:0086-10-59569575 59569585
Tel: 0086 -10 -59569575/9585 E-mail:sinochemenergy@sinochem.com Add: 9/F,Central Tower, Chemsunny World Trade Center, 28 Fuxingmennei Street, Beijing 100031, China Copyright © 2019 SINOCHEM ENERGY
沙田区| 深水埗区| 武穴市| 大港区| 股票| 桐梓县| 新宁县| 安福县| 宝山区| 芦山县| 石楼县| 同德县| 富锦市| 承德县| 宝山区| 乐陵市| 什邡市| 漾濞| 屏东市| 遵化市| 白城市| 黄骅市| 九江市| 来安县| 五指山市| 饶平县| 逊克县| 巫山县| 龙游县| 海伦市| 乌拉特前旗| 宣恩县| 玉溪市| 禹城市| 大姚县| 阳信县| 银川市| 浮梁县| 纳雍县| 丰台区| 铁岭县|